频率: DC to 500 MHz
衰减: Input Return Loss: 32 dB, Output Return Loss: 32 dB, Mounting Surface temperature: 100 oC, Metalization: Matte Tin over Ni over Ag
电源: 10 W
包装类型: Chip
尺寸: Thickness: 0.040"
频率: DC to 6000 MHz
衰减: Input Return Loss: 18 dB, Output Return Loss: 18 dB, Mounting Surface temperature: 100 oC, Metalization: Matte Tin over Ni over Ag
电源: 10 W
包装类型: Chip
尺寸: Thickness: 0.025"
频率: DC to 2000 MHz
衰减: Input Return Loss: 25 dB, Output Return Loss: 25 dB, Mounting Surface temperature: 100 oC, Metalization: Matte Tin over Ni over Ag
电源: 5 W
包装类型: Chip
尺寸: Thickness: 0.025"
频率: DC to 4000 MHz
衰减: Input Return Loss: 20 dB, Output Return Loss: 20 dB, Mounting Surface temperature: 100 oC, Metalization: Matte Tin over Ni over Ag
电源: 150 W
包装类型: Chip
尺寸: Thickness: 0.040"